Top Social Networking Sites You Need to Be In
Boosting traffic using social media sites is a growing trend in network marketing. These sites can help introduce your business to a vast audience and help promote the products or services that you offer. In other words, you would get exposure to a huge database of people who may be looking for content similar to your niche. So which of these social networking sites can give you an advantage? Practically, you should not stick to one. Getting you presence known to several social sites can help you with your online business because of the existing traffic in these sites. The following are considered to be the top social networks that you need to be in. So check them out and see what caters your interest.
• Myspace is among the top social networks that continue to receive high ratings from users. Targeted to the general audience, it became the most-visited site worldwide a year or two after it was launched in 2003. It has a billion visits per month and is now the most popular social network. The system is simple and works by adding friends to your network. It also has other features like customizing profiles, blog entries, mp3 music tracks, groups and discussions.
• Stumbleupon is another social media site that can help you generate traffic to your site. This site functions like social bookmarking, wherein users can “tag” sites to point out whether they like it or not. If you content is good and people like it, they’ll share it with other users, give you a “thumbs up”, or include your webpage link on their site. In the long run, it would increase the number of people whom your site will be exposed to.
• Another well-loved social networking site is Digg. It is famous because of its quick response system. If you post a quality and interesting story or article, you can get hundreds of immediate responses within the next 24 hours. Those who read your content and loved it can vote for it or “digg” it. You can also place a Digg button on your blog or site so readers can readily vote for your content.
• Facebook is a social network site that has experienced phenomenal growth ranking and popularity since it was opened to the public in 2006. Basically, it uses connections of school and work to build social networks among people. It also caters to the general public but is now becoming a trend among yuppies and the older crowd. Facebook also offers widgets that cater to the individuality of people in the network. Fun and curiosity is what makes people attracted to this site.
Twitter is described as a mini-blogging service that lets your friends know where you’re at. It is a blog, instant messenger and social network all rolled into one. It had incredible growth months after its launching. Twitter offers nothing but great fun and can be quite habit-forming. It’s a great way for users to share bits of their daily lives, and for many a good way to fight off tedium. No wonder why it is one of the most-liked social media sites today.
Social networking is open to people of every age, background and profession. It has become a means to connect with people regardless of time and space. Social networks have multiplied in considerable numbers within a few years, and obviously many continue to benefit from these expansions. Home-based entrepreneurs can utilize these sites to reach their targeted market, increase traffic to their sites and SEO rankings; these top-ranking social networks are the network places they need to be in.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
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